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If you watch enough Court TV, you can’t be blamed for assuming that filing for divorce in California is a drawn-out, expensive, and stressful process. While this certainly can happen (Rosendale vs. Rosendale took 12 years to resolve), it’s not the norm. There are two types of divorce in California: contested…

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Adoption is a beautiful way to grow your family, and stepparent adoption is a special and unique way to really show your love. Unfortunately, adoption can also be a very complex legal process that needs to be handled properly in order to avoid delays and other issues. This blog outlines…

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When a person creates an estate plan, the estate plan typically includes a Will and that Will typically names an executor. If a person does not create a will, courts will assign an executor of their estate after their death. So what exactly is an executor? If you’ve been named…

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A revocable living trust is a legal document that is used as a part of many estate planning strategies. The document is drafted and signed while you are living and funded by the assets you choose. These assets can include property, many financial accounts, and much more. When added to…

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Without a doubt, prenuptial agreements get a lot of bad press. For many, signing a prenup is equal to taking the first step on a path that will surely end with a divorce – and that’s even before the couple actually gets married. It is true that a prenup regulates…

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A Living Will is an important document that allows a person to state in advance his or her wishes with regards to medical treatment and end-of-life care. Its main purpose is to provide doctors and health care providers with information about the patient’s preferences and decisions in situations when they…

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According to California Family Code, both parents have an equal responsibility to care for their child’s health, safety, and welfare. One of the primary ways to do so is by providing the child with adequate financial support and satisfying their material needs such as the need for sustenance, shelter and…

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Abuse, whether physical, emotional, or sexual, is a serious problem in the U.S. Statistics shows that, on average, almost 20 people are physically abused by their intimate partner every minute. Unfortunately, California is no exception to this saddening national trend. Data shows that 32.9% of women and 27.3% of men have experienced some form of…

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Out of all of the undesirable effects a divorce may have on a person’s life, its financial impact may be not only one of the most challenging but also one of the most immediately perceived. For example, according to one source, some individuals may need an income increase of as much…

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As a parent, you have to make hundreds of decisions regarding your child’s well-being virtually every day. Out of the deep love and care you have for them, you no doubt take time to make the best choice even in seemingly small matters. At times, it may feel overwhelming to…

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For children, the home should be the one place on earth where they are provided with unconditional love, support, and protection no matter how confusing and unkind the outside world may be. Of course, the enormous responsibility to provide a child with such safe and nurturing conditions lies primarily with…

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When all amicable means of solving a conflict with a tenant fail, eviction may seem like the only viable solution to a landlord’s problems. While it is true that eviction does have its place in the California state law as a legitimate measure to protect a landlord’s interests, it is…

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Married couples with children who decide to take definite steps to formally end their marriage face an important yet difficult issue to resolve – which spouse gets the custody rights over the children. Unfortunately, to the detriment of the children, custody disputes are often one of the most contentious aspects…

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For many couples going through a divorce, the division of assets can be the most contentious aspect of the legal proceedings. Equitable distribution of common marital assets in a divorce is a legal requirement. However, if the couple is not able to reach an amicable solution to this problem, the…

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The decision to file for a divorce is never an easy one. Still, when a person’s marriage seems to have collapsed, he or she may see no other choice but to formally end it. While a person who feels trapped in an unhappy marriage may think getting a divorce will…

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Domestic abuse is an issue that affects our society as a whole. For example, a woman is abused every 9 seconds. As many as 1 in 3 women have been in an abusive relationship – and the same holds true for 1 in 4 men. Each year, up to 20…

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It’s both a fact and a cliche that divorce is of the most stressful human experiences. However, the period right after the divorce for most people is equally challenging. After the divorce papers have been signed and the marriage is officially and – in most cases – irreversibly over, a…

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Do you need a will? According to one survey, as much as 64% of Americans don’t have one. Yet, if a person dies without a will (that is, intestate), their money and assets are distributed according to the probate laws of their state. Such distribution is called a probate process…

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The breakdown of a marriage and the subsequent divorce takes a great emotional and psychological toll on both spouses. However, they are not the only ones affected by the divorce. The dissolution of a marriage has a lasting negative impact on the children too. If you are currently going through…

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Unpaid rent, destroyed property, strained relations with neighbors, and a bad reputation are only a few problems that a troublesome tenant can cause to a landlord. When a tenant repeatedly violates the tenancy agreement, as well as the common rules of social interaction within a building and the community, the…

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