Author Archives: James Carroll

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If you watch enough Court TV, you can’t be blamed for assuming that filing for divorce in California is a drawn-out, expensive, and stressful process. While this certainly can happen (Rosendale vs. Rosendale took 12 years to resolve), it’s not the norm. Contested vs. uncontested divorce in California is one of…

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Divorce cases can be extremely complex and emotionally heavy to walk through. Because of this, it is helpful to understand beforehand what exactly you are going into. There are many laws surrounding divorce and how the proceeding is to be carried out. Certain factors can impact your case greatly. If…

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It can be difficult when the marriage you once thought would last forever turns into a situation that simply cannot be worked out. You may be overwhelmed and extremely emotional if you have found yourself in this situation. If you are considering a marriage dissolution in California, you should know…

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Facing the emotional, financial, and personal turmoil of a divorce is difficult, especially when children are involved. As a parent, you strive to protect and care for your children, but legal issues involved in divorce cases can make that hard to do. It is important to understand your legal rights…

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Couples who decide to pursue a divorce in California are faced with a complex problem that can prove to be one of the greatest challenges and most conscientious issues of a divorce – the division of property. The matter is indeed delicate – after all, for a number of years,…

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Abruptly losing any source of income is stressful. You depend on the money to take care of your children. Because divorce can be an emotionally charged situation, your reaction may be extreme. You may become angry at your former spouse. There may be feelings of fear and concern to be…

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Divorce and separation take a lot out of us. We enter relationships with the hope of something meaningful and lasting. In some cases, these relationships result in having children together – whether the relationship was brief or long-lasting. When a relationship ends and children are involved, the circumstances take on…

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Although we hear about divorces all the time, dealing with your own divorce is often an emotionally fraught experience that can be incredibly overwhelming. It is difficult to navigate complex legal systems in the midst of tensions, high emotions, and the fast tempo of life. Understanding the divorce process in…

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Dissolving a marriage is difficult, but those that involve children can be much more complicated. One aspect of the divorce that the couple must settle is how much one parent may need to pay the other to provide the necessary financial support for their child. Unfortunately, divorcing parents often have…

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Filing for a divorce can be a long and exhausting process. There are many different types of divorce to consider, depending on how much you and your spouse agree on the divorce terms. When engaging in this process, many divorcing couples ask, “How long does a divorce take in California?”…

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Getting divorced is already challenging enough, let alone when you must total the expenses you have collected along the way. California is well known for having high attorney rates. This often leads many people to wonder what their average fees are when they are searching for legal assistance. From divorce…

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Falling in love is an exciting and overwhelming time. You have found someone that you want to build a life with, and you are ready to get started. In many serious romantic relationships, the topic of marriage will be discussed at some point. While there are many benefits to getting…

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We’ve heard it a million times – half of American marriages end in divorce. This statistic still holds true, but divorce also doesn’t have to be the first option for a struggling marriage. Valentine’s Day is in February, and this month we want to look at alternative ways to move…

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The internet is chock full of information on how to be a parent. There’s advice on when your child should be learning this trick or hitting that stage. There are countless websites and articles centered around what you can do to be the best parent possible. You may have felt…

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Keeping our children safe is priority number one for parents. It’s imperative to continue taking on that responsibility even after a divorce, whether you’re a custodial or noncustodial parent. Of course, you have a custody order from the court and need to adhere to this order – but what happens…

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At Carroll Law Office, we focus on simplifying life’s complexities for California families. This time of year is a complicated one for many because school is back in session which means schedules are up in the air. There’s so much to get to as our children start school and extracurricular…

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Bringing a child into this world is a long-term commitment that ideally lasts the rest of our lives. We want to be there through the highs and lows of their growth into adulthood. Unfortunately, circumstances change and sometimes parents have to defend their right to be a part of their…

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At every corner of the internet, there’s information about “staying together for the kids” and how it might be better to just suck it up when you’re in a toxic relationship. There are studies about how stable relationships in the home are beneficial for children and likely set them up…

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When you’re going through a divorce, one of the major financial considerations will be spousal support (commonly known as alimony) in California. This is a court-ordered payment from one party to the other following divorce. Usually, these payments are only ordered when the divorce will cause a significant change in…

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Your estate plan is a part of your legacy. It’s going to be the best avenue you have to define your wishes and ensure all your hard work ends up in the right hands after you’re gone. So, you should be thinking about your plan every step of the way.…

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